

Main business: all kinds of wrought iron accessories, wrought iron decorative pieces, etc.



Contact: Mr. Li

contact number:138-6331-8729 

fax:0086 0633 8682763

Address: Industrial Park, Gaoxing Town, Lanshan District, Rizhao City



The advantages of iron art in home improvement
      In the home decoration, iron art plays a role that other materials cannot replace due to the nature of the craft and its own materials. It reflects the diversification of decoration materials and styles. The iron art is simple and simple, with equal emphasis on rigidity and softness, which is pleasing to the eye. It is pleasing to more and more families. use. It has the following advantages:
     1. The application range is relatively wide. At present, iron art in home decoration is mainly used in stolen doors, partitions, heating covers, glass doors, double structure staircase guardrails, wall shapes, flower stands, chairs, sundries cabinets, shoe cabinets, walls, coffee tables and other accessories. The iron art is dotted in the partitions of the pillar shape (the pillar wood is mixed with oil or varnish), and there is a sense of complementarity. In the case where wood is used for heating covers in home decoration, the outstanding advantages of using iron art as heating covers are good heat dissipation performance, no deformation, fire, etc., so that the decoration style is beautiful, and the iron art has a sense of layering. The glass door with black iron art and frosted glass or model iron art with transparent glass is also elegant. The use of wrought iron patterns on the stair railings will also add a lot of color to the room. In addition, iron art can also be used for wall decoration and so on.

      2. Smooth lines, concise and style. The traditional iron art is black and white, which is not only bright and eye-catching, but also fully embodies the beauty of the lines of metal materials, and at the same time, it has strong corrosion and oxidation resistance. Iron art has the characteristics of combining practicality and artistry. It is placed in the home and decorated with black, green, red and white, showing elegant and generous characteristics, giving the family a strong modern and simple style.
     3. There is diversity and artistry. Iron art can be used for large pieces of furniture such as doors and coffee tables, and can also be widely used on door covers, door leaves, door armrests and other accessories. Its materials, shapes, and processing methods are diverse, and various styles of accessories can be designed. While highlighting practical functions, iron art is also decorative, artistic and decorative. Iron art can also be made into iron art paintings as indoor furnishings, which complements other iron art ornaments in the room.

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