

Main business: all kinds of wrought iron accessories, wrought iron decorative pieces, etc.



Contact: Mr. Li

contact number:138-6331-8729 

fax:0086 0633 8682763

Address: Industrial Park, Gaoxing Town, Lanshan District, Rizhao City



The basic quality requirements of iron products
    1. The production size and the size required by the drawing, according to the different characteristics of the product, allow plus or minus one-thousandth of the deviation.
    2. The product should be flat, upright, straight, and smooth. The arc should be smooth and smooth, without distortion or knots, and the pattern should be natural and smooth.
    3. The welding should be beautiful and firm, and the welding seam should be smooth and not fake welding.
    Fourth, the pattern proportions should be coordinated, and the main pattern should be grasped, and the arrangement should be the same.
    5. Ensure that the products are symmetrical up and down, and the products of the same batch of models should be made the same, and they should be completely overlapped.
    6. All workpieces that have undergone gas cutting or those that are not easy to be polished after assembling should be polished first and then assembled and welded.
    7. When the flower piece is welded to the main structure, it must be forged or polished before it can be bent, assembled and welded.
    8. After forging, the workpiece with burrs must be polished and then bent.
    9. Doors, fences, stairs, handrails, anti-theft windows, etc., as long as there is no special requirement, in accordance with the requirements of safety standards, the separation distance should not be greater than 125mm.
    10. When making large-volume orders, samples must be made first, and production can only be done after confirmation.
    11. Treatment of galvanized products:
    1. All parts that can be tailor-welded before galvanizing must be welded to the product, and welding after galvanizing is not allowed under special circumstances.
    2. For galvanized products, the pipe must be opened in the hidden position of the product before galvanizing to ensure smooth air flow so that the zinc water and pickling liquid can flow out.
    3. The hole should be opened by the process of rubber particle sealing, and the hole can not be drilled by gas cutting and electric welding.
    4. For the type of sealing plate, in order to prevent the deformation after galvanizing, the whole galvanizing after welding is not allowed, and it must be assembled and welded after hot galvanizing.
    5. The diagonal welding of all products must be open angle, and direct welding is not allowed.

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